Free EYC Vouchers

7 Ways You Can Get Free EYC Vouchers

As many of you know, we want to support people with their emotions and self development.

How do I bring in enough money for myself to thrive, whilst supporting others who find it hard to pay for my services? To embrace the “both, and”, I have come up with these gifts:

  • Introduce someone that spends over £200 and you will get a £45 EYC voucher when they have paid. Introduce someone who spends less and we will give you £10 EYC voucher when they have paid. You can do this as many times as you wish. You will get an EYC voucher for each person.
  • We are offering a £45 EYC voucher for anyone who has used any services other than Practice Group and are willing to be filmed: We are making a series of videos where clients talk about their experience, which will be used on-line for promotion.
  • A £10 EYC voucher as above for anyone attending Practice Group, who wants to be videoed.
  • Spot a typo in the website, or something that doesn’t make sense, and you will be awarded a £10 Voucher. You can have as many of these as you wish! (hahaha, first come first served!)
  • Help with teccy stuff. Contact us for a list of what is currently needed.

  • Be sponsored by EYC: if your business and conflict resolution ethos is in keeping with our ethics we will offer you a number of free hours in exchange for Escape Your Chains to be displayed on your site, info, newsletters, events etc. Please get in touch if you would like to be considered for this.
  • Ask for someone else to donate their voucher to you: see below.

You may use the vouchers for any of Escape Your Chains services: one-to-ones, mediation, training, coaching etc, either here in Pembrokeshire, or pay travel expenses to North, Mid or South Wales, or SW England. Also internationally on Zoom.

Offers and Requests of EYC Vouchers

Often giving can be as rewarding as receiving, and for me it is all about contributing to all our needs rather than counting who has given to who. Article on this with a work sheet coming this year.

Some of you may want to donate your voucher to someone else who cannot otherwise afford to come.

Others of you may want to ask for a voucher…

So if one of these is you, put a request or offer in the comments section. eg “I cannot find anyone else to come and would love to receive a £10 voucher from someone….” or “I have a £10 voucher I would like to donate to someone who….”

Other comments or suggestions gratefully received!

Sarah xx

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